Mercado de la Sombra

Using knowledge of studying various markets around Spain, create a functional market on a empty site in Seville, Spain. By designing a market I was able to learn more about the Spanish culture and emplement that into my design. With this market I aimed to create a shaded area from the sun while also designing an inviting space for anyone visiting the area.

The Academic Village

Using a site on the corner of 4th Street and Quaker in Lubbock, Texas, design a proposal for an academic village. For this proposal I focused on blending the interior with the exterior while using 3 contrasts: built vs. nature, interior vs. exteiror, and open vs. enclosed. Music and architecture were used in this proposal in hopes to combine the two colleges in some way.

Llano Estacado Migration and Cultural Center

The task was do design a structural system on a lot in downtown Lubbock. This sturctual system then became a pre-existing condition when proposing a design for a cultural center. I focused on creating a open environment for those of all ages while also creating a continuous pathway between the two sites.

Solar Observatory Visitor Center

Using Palladio’s Villa Valmarana propose a design a solar observatory visitor center in Svalbard, Norway to understand how light can be shaped and formed within different volumes. Svalbard, Norway is known for it’s extreme conditions posing a challenge on the design process.

Observation Tower

Starting with two 8'x8' cubes carve out spaces of each by using boolean operations. The two cubes were then stacked to create one cohesive volume. Adding circulation and an observation deck was the next step of the process. Lastly an enclosure was added to the volume.

